Thursday, November 1

Deafhood and Art

Katie Roberts

Paddy Ladd has a vision.  He often shares with his audience a story about a large and corpulent museum.  He gently guides us towards a smaller, hidden back room. As we brush off the dust and shake out the drop cloths, another world begins to emerge.  The people who pictures are on the wall tell us stories of where we had been, and where we could be. 
 Tolstoy wrote“What is Art”, and he tells us that Art is a means of communication, an important means of expression of any experience, or of any aspect of the human condition. Art is a form of expression, and it is those works on the wall of the museum that help us not only to remember, but to create new visions.
With an enchanting BSL accent, Paddy asked the audience to imagine what our future would be. Hillary Clinton once told us it takes a village to raise a child, and I agree. In an ideal world, what role would Art play in Deaf children’s lives? I’d like to see bright, open schools where Deaf children meet and play under the sun before they head in their classes where they play with language and metaphor, English and ASL, to create their own worlds, either on print or in sign. Art classes would be offered at least twice a week for every grade, and other creative projects would be done in every class– whether it is computer science or math.

  When they are adults, they would be comfortable with their own medium of expression and feel free to share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions.  “A truly healthy nation requires creative, social and artistic input from all its members”*

Deaf artists have great need of local and national structures that provide funding as well as a community to draw support from. We in Seattle are lucky to have local artists such as Ann Silver who creates iconic and timeless art in the tradition of Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns. Her art tells us a story – of the movement from our experience as an oppressed population to one that is just beginning to push off those shackles and dream for something better. 
When Paddy Ladd wrote “Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search for Deafhood”, he talks to us about the process of being, of becoming – Deafhood. We are both individuals and part of a collective, and our support of deaf artists bring in their voices as part of the conversation.  
ASL narratives such as “Birds of a Feather” by Ben Bahan or “Dandelions” by Clayton Valli bring to us themes of belonging and resistance.  I’d like for us to think beyond De’Via for a broader, more encompassing vision – to embrace our Deafhood in all its’ aspects, to resist the forces of division. Writing? Signing? Painting? Making glass sculptures? All of those creative endeavors are equally valuable. 
As an author, I’ve found that my work on Deaf Spotlight has provided me a way to create new pieces and challenge myself, and I’m discovering a new part of myself. I feed it every month with sunshine, water and fertilizer because it nourishes me.  I want to see deaf artists grow and thrive, for the Deaf community to support them in their endeavors and welcome them.  That’s why I write those articles month after month, because I believe in what Deaf Spotlight aims to do. We need art to think, to share, and to grow.

Also, there’s just the fact that Paddy Ladd is a very likeable guy.  He’s always made me smile, and he’s one of my Deaf heroes.  It’s always an honor to be in his presence.  Seattle will always welcome you back, Paddy!
*Ladd, P. Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search for Deafhood, p.445

1 comment:

  1. ya might be interested in the DVD set - the HeART of Deaf Culture: Literary and Artistic Expressions of Deafhood -

    features hundreds of visual art, film clips, theatre clips, ASL and English literary works about the Deaf Experience. Paddy even makes an appearance

    listing of the works included

    thank u for this blog entry - its very important. if u do review the HeART dvd set - let us know and we will run it in our website too


    patti durr
